Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome is a rare but serious condition that affects the way electrical signals pass through the heart. It can cause the heart to beat dangerously fast.

These unusually fast heartbeats – known as an arrhythmia – can be life threatening in some cases.

Brugada syndrome is usually caused by a faulty gene that's inherited by a child from a parent. A simple heart test can be done to see if you have it.

Symptoms of Brugada syndrome

Many people with Brugada syndrome don't have any symptoms and don't realise they have it.

Some people experience:

These symptoms can occur at any time, but are sometimes triggered by something such as a high temperature (fever), drinking lots of alcohol, or dehydration.

Symptoms typically first appear at around 30-40 years of age, but they can occur at any age. They're more common in men than women or children.

When to get medical advice

See your GP if:

  • you have unexplained blackouts or seizures
  • one of your parents, siblings or children has been diagnosed with Brugada syndrome – this may mean you're also at risk
  • a close family member has died suddenly with no explanation – this can sometimes be the result of an undiagnosed heart problem like Brugada syndrome

They can refer you to a specialist heart doctor for some simple tests to check if you have Brugada syndrome or any other heart problem.

If you've already been diagnosed with Brugada syndrome, contact your specialist as soon as possible if you experience any symptoms.

Tests for Brugada syndrome

The main test for Brugada syndrome is a test of the heart's electrical activity, known as an electrocardiogram (ECG). This is usually done in hospital.

During an ECG, small sensors are attached to your arms, legs and chest. These are connected to a machine that measures the electrical signals produced by your heart each time it beats.

A medicine called ajmaline or flecainide may be given into a vein during the test to see how it affects your heart. This can help show up the unusual heartbeats caused by Brugada syndrome.

You may also have a blood test to look for one of the faulty genes that causes Brugada syndrome.

Read about genetic testing.

Treatments for Brugada syndrome

There's currently no cure for Brugada syndrome, but there are things that can reduce your risk of experiencing serious problems.

If your doctor thinks the risk of you developing a dangerously fast heartbeat is low, you might not need any treatment at first.

Avoid triggers

You can reduce your risk of developing a fast heartbeat by avoiding things that can trigger it.

These include:

  • a high temperature (fever) – if you develop a fever of 38C (100.4F) or above, take painkillers such as paracetamol to bring it down; get medical advice as soon as possible if this doesn't help
  • drinking too much alcohol – avoid drinking lots of alcohol in a short space of time
  • dehydration – get medical advice if you have diarrhoea or vomiting that doesn't go away, as you may lose a lot of fluid and might need to take special rehydration drinks
  • certain medicines – make sure any healthcare professional you see knows you have Brugada syndrome, and avoid medicines that can trigger the condition unless they're recommended by a doctor

Ask your specialist about things you need to avoid or look out for.

Implanted defibrillator

If there's a high risk you could develop a dangerously fast heartbeat, your specialist may recommend having an implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) fitted.

An ICD is a small device placed in the chest, similar to a pacemaker. If it senses your heart is beating at a dangerous speed, it sends out an electric shock to help it return to normal.

An ICD doesn't prevent a fast heartbeat, but can help stop it becoming life threatening.

Read more about out how an ICD is fitted.

Living with Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome is a serious condition that people can die from, but the chances of this happening can be significantly reduced if the condition is diagnosed and treated.

You'll need to avoid triggers for the condition and have regular check-ups, but you'll otherwise be able to live a largely normal life.

You'll usually be able to do most normal activities, including:

  • exercise
  • having sex
  • getting pregnant and having children
  • driving

But speak to your specialist about this because the advice can vary, particularly if you have an ICD.

Planning a pregnancy if you have Brugada syndrome

Brugada syndrome is linked to genes you inherit from your parents. If you have the condition or have a family history of it, there's a risk that any children you have could get it, too.

Speak to your GP or specialist if you're planning a pregnancy and:

  • you or your partner have been diagnosed with Brugada syndrome
  • you have a family history of the condition 

You may be referred for genetic counselling to discuss the risk to your baby, and decide whether to have a blood test to look for a faulty gene linked to Brugada syndrome.

Support and advice

Living with a serious long-term condition like Brugada syndrome can be difficult.

Your specialist can provide support if you need it, but you might also find it helpful to contact a charity or support group for people with Brugada syndrome or similar heart conditions.

Some of the main groups are:

There's also a HealthUnlocked forum for people with arrhythmias, where you can discuss your condition with other people in a similar situation.

Information about you

If you have Brugada syndrome, your clinical team will pass information about you on to the National Congenital Anomaly and Rare Diseases Registration Service (NCARDRS).

This helps scientists look for better ways to prevent and treat this condition. You can opt out of the register at any time.

Find out more about the register.

Page last reviewed: 27 April 2017
Next review due: 27 April 2020